The Contenders
Production details
Director: Tobias Meinecke
D.o.P: Laszlo Kadar
Production: Utopia Entertainment
Awards: Best comedy Huston film festival
Special thanks for Milos Forman and Michel Hausmann.
At Thea
Production details
At Thea
Director: Dominik Graf
D.o.P: Laszlo Kadar
Production: Bavaria Film Munich / ZDF
Awards: Bavarian Television Award
German actor award for Marianne Hoppe
DAG screenplay award in gold
BEHIND THE SCENE: David Adler (Hannes Jaenicke) is the grandson of German Jews who had to flee to present-day Israel during the Second World War. His grandparents are still torn between their homeland Germany and Israel, so David, who speaks fluent German, is supposed to study in Munich. There he meets Thea (Marianne Hoppe) and it turns out that she was his father's first wife.
Land of the Fathers, Land of the Sons
Production details
Land of the fathers, land of the sons
Director: Nico Hofmann
D.o.P: Laszlo Kadar
Production: Nico Hofmann film
BA Filmproduktion Munich
Awards: Bavarian Film Award
German Critics' Prize
IFF San Sebastian
Nomination for German Film Award
BEHIND THE SCENE: When his parents' company goes bankrupt, Thomas Kleinert begins to look into his father's past. Shortly before, the young journalist learned from his mother that his father did not die in an accident in 1972, but committed suicide. When he receives a tip from a colleague during his search for clues, he travels to Poland. There, during his research, he comes across the story of a factory in Lublin that his father took over in 1942 as part of an 'Aryanisation programme'. The forced labourers with whom he builds up his production and thus consolidates his company in Germany come from concentration camps. Shortly before the end of the war, he manages to save his machines in the West. When publication of the incident is threatened in the early 1970s, Kleinert shoots himself in a hotel room. At the instigation of the editor-in-chief, the local press does not report the incident. Thomas Kleinert decides to publish the story. His article appears under the headline: "A painful look back to the land of the fathers".
The Doe Boy
Production details
The Doe Boy
Director: Randy Redroad
D.o.P: Laszlo Kadar
Production: Chris Eyre
Antony J. Vozza
Awards: Sundance/NHK International filmmaker’s award
Taos Talking Pictures best first time director
American Indian Film Festival
BEHIND THE SCENE: Set in 1984 in the heart of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, The Doe Boy tells the coming of age story of Hunter (James Duval), a young man of mixed heritage who is also a haemophiliac.
Production details
Director: Ms Nadezhda Panov
D.o.P: Laszlo Kadar
Production: Pirej Film Skopje
Camera 300
Behind the scene: The film tells the tragicomedical story of a family in a country - Macedonia - torn between East and West, tradition and modernity.